Thermal Cameras help optimise low cost housing solutions.

A company has been developing steel based housing solutions for Romanian families in need. The priority is that the houses are simple, safe, decent and well insulated.

The company developing these steel based housing solutions is ArcelorMittal and they are the world’s leader in steel production.

The developments resulted in a simple, easily constructible house design that has an estimated life span of 20 years.

It was important, during the initial design and production of the prototype of these houses, to ensure that they were energy efficient. This becomes even more vital when you consider that temperatures in Romania can drop to -20 degrees Celsius.

The use of a thermal camera easily allowed ArcelorMittal to assess the energy efficiency of the houses.

The data collected showed that the prototype had some flaws that needed rectifying before production could begin. There were a number of thermal bridges which were easy to fix.

However, it is important to stress that you need proper training to fully and correctly understand how a thermal image works.

To complete work of this nature, it is important to ensure you have a suitable thermal imaging camera, the Flir B660 Thermal Imaging Camera would be suitable.

For more information on this camera or for alternatives, call 0845 365 3938 to speak to a thermal imaging expert.

Written by Sara Thomson